REGAINE® should only be used for the treatment of hereditary hair loss. Remember to always seek advice from a healthcare professional first, before treating any hair loss.
Hair Loss Symptoms
Millions of women experience hereditary hair loss across the world, with thousands of them taking to the web every day to try to better understand why their follicles seem to be letting them down. But with so many different types of hair loss, and with every woman experiencing hair loss slightly differently, it can be tough to figure out which form of hair loss you’re actually suffering from.
The best place to start your search for answers is with your symptoms. If you can figure out which symptoms most directly apply to you, you’ll have a much better chance of getting to the root cause of your hair loss!
Whether you’re seeing high levels of shedding, or whether your hair simply seems to be getting gradually thinner without noticeable loss, we’ve put together a guide to help you figure out what’s wrong and take steps to regain your mane. And of course if you’re unsure it’s always best to consult your health care professional.
Hair thinning
Some women might not actually notice high levels of shedding or loss – they don’t clog their shower drains whenever they wash their hair, nor do they see countless hairs on their pillows when they wake. Instead, they simply observe that their hair is getting gradually thinner over time.
Perhaps you’ve noticed that your hair simply doesn’t lie the way it used to. Maybe your favourite up-do doesn’t have as much volume as it once did, or maybe you can wrap your hair tie around your ponytail more than you previously could. Thinning hair might not be immediately noticeable, but over time it can become more obvious and significantly affect the confidence of those experiencing it.
Hair thinning is a textbook sign of androgenetic alopecia – a form of hereditary hair loss that causes the hair to gradually thin over time, losing its pigment and developing an almost translucent quality. This type of hair loss is dictated by your genes, but the body’s fluctuating hormone levels and the natural ageing process can also play an important role in dictating just how fast the hair will thin.
Think you might be suffering from hereditary hair thinning? Visit our dedicated hair thinning page to find out more.
Hair falling out
One of the most panic-inducing sign of hair loss is when hair starts to visibly and noticeably fall out. It’s completely normal to shed 50-100 hairs every day1 - this is a regular part of the hair growth cycle which sees healthy hairs growing into replace those that have been shed. But if you’ve started to see increased hairs on your pillow, on your clothes or in your hairbrush, there’s a chance that your shedding could have overstepped the regular boundaries and be an indicator of something more serious.
Hereditary hair loss can be triggered at any time if it’s already encoded into your genes, and when it kicks in, it can result in high levels of hair shedding that can be very distressing for women who are proud of their locks. If you think you might be suffering from this type of hereditary hair loss, head to our dedicated page to find out more.